SSBBW Lailani And Emilia Boshe Meet For Another Session

My last post about Lailani and Emilia Boshe was exactly one year ago, and it is still one of my most popular entries ever. Now they've got together again, just last weekend, as Lailani told me. Their get-together actually turned into a serious meeting: With taking sexy photos together and a massive eating session consuming enormous amounts of food.

The photo session is up on Lailani's Southern Charms site. Emilia Boshe doesn't have a regular site currently, but i know she has been and keeps looking into various options  A his res image from the photo shoots that Lailani sent me:

Their eating session, including weigh-ins and measuring, of course was documented as well - in a 15 mins video that is available at Lailani's clips4sale store (posting date Sept. 26th, 2011). Here's a couple of Lailan's reduced quality captures:


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