I don't have official info on that but it seems that Daktari Lorenz, the man behind the sites of Nadine Jansen and Milena Velba, has shot a bunch of fresh content with Valory Irene. There are new image sets out on both sites. And now Unexpected, a new video, has been issued at Milena's Site. I just say: This is Release Of The Year material!!

Unexpected has much more than this molesting or sub/domme level. There's a sexy hilariousness about Milena posing and chilling as the big bad rocker chick by her bike (and waiting for a 'victim'). Or Valory's catwalk style of walking as she enters the scene. So this is not meant to look like the real thing. A big part of the overwhelming effect comes from the fun, and seeing Milena & Valory living up their roles in such a bubbly and sexy way. Tuned in that way, the upfront views of their gorgeous boobs and the action makes our jaws drop even further. This a real scorcher! You find the downloadable HD video on Milena Velba's site. More screen shots: